Views 962




By: JJMorlock

Date Uploaded: 11/25/2019

Tags: ONPASSIVE   GoFounders   Done for you   Ash Mufareh   Smart Business Solution     

ONPASSIVE is a brand-new Information Technology (IT) company destined to become the world leader for Online Marketing. Its Smart Business Solution opportunity is one-of-a-kind and able to provide everything needed for success as measured by any element you can think of. If you, like me, are tired of the life-fight for success and prosperity... would like personal and financial freedom for you and your loved ones... then you need to pay attention to this opportunity. Because, whether we are internet marketing gurus or have no clue about how to do anything but “surf" the net, it just doesn’t matter... not any more! The world has been changing. And because ONPASSIVE is operating on the leading edge of that change, is developing tools from the leading edge of thought, and is operating coincidentally with an ongoing change in global consciousness, its emergence is the chance of our lifetime. This new company uses never-before-seen technology combined with artificial intelligence. This means it has created a system that will render the current one obsolete as millions of marketers, new and old, make their way to us as life-long customers. As a result, ONPASSIVE will change the entire online marketing dynamic for the immediately foreseeable future and allow ONPASSIVE to become THE Global IT Leader as a provider of Smart Business Solutions.



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